kandinsky NFT project
One of the pioneers of abstract modern art, Wassily Kandinsky exploited the evocative interrelation between color and form to create an aesthetic experience that engaged the sight, sound, and emotions of the public.

Using final digital change, we are creating a whole new life for his heritage.
Produced by Nataliya Orlova and Suro Jr.
Natalia Orlova
is an entrepreneur, producer and owner of the ArtMost Multimedia Gallery. A graduate of Moscow State University and VGIK, she works as a Startup mentor and networking expert.
Our mission is to make contemporary art accessible and understandable and combine technology and fine art!

We take a Kandinsky painting, add effects, animation, sounds, music and transform it into new art. The collection will include 8 medium quality NFT tokens and 20 high quality NFT tokens.
Natalia Orlova
An entrepreneur, producer and owner
of the ArtMost Multimedia Gallery.
A graduate of Moscow State University and VGIK,
she works as a Startup mentor and networking expert.

Our organisation is not responsible if the picture of the NFT token you purchased is destroyed by the owner of the institution.
It won't affect the game itself.